According to Stosic (2015), educational technology has three (3) domains.
1.) Technology as a tutor
- technology can support the teacher to teach another person or technology, and when programmed by the teacher it can be a tutor on it's own.
2.) Technology as a teaching tool
- technology is a teaching tool but can never replaced a teacher. Technology is used to facilitate and lighten the works of a teacher. It is good that a teacher can also create or develop technological tools that are needed in the classroom.
3.) Technology as a learning tool
- technology is an effective tool for learning because it makes learning easy and effective. It can produced learning outcomes that call for technology- assisted teaching. As a learning tool, it's very interesting that even the elderly use these tools for learning for life.
As a tool, technology has opened wider avenues in management of resources and management learning.
1.) Technology provides enormous support to the teacher as facilitator of learning.
- it transforms a passive classroom to an active and interactive one.
2.) Technology has modernized the teaching-learning environment.
- the teachers are assisted and supplemented with appropriately structured instructional materials for daily activities.
3.) Technology improves teaching-learning process and ways of teaching.
- it makes the act of teaching more efficient and effective.
4.) Technology opens new fields in educational researches.
- the areas of teaching testing and evaluation are enhance by technologies for teaching and learning. Current education researcher will no longer find any difficulties because there are available programs that can analyze and interpret the results.
5.) Technology adds to the competence of teachers and inculcates scientific outlook.
- through the utilization of theories of learning and intelligence which explained in references uploaded in the net the teachers are encouraged to imbibe skills to source these information with speed and accuracy.
6.) Technology supports teacher professional development
- the availability of technology provides alternative way of attending professional development online. Trainers, facilitators, or organizers can level up or enhance their delivery system with the help of technologies.
1.) Support learners to learn how to learn on their own.
All teachers fully understand that subject matter or content is a means to achieve the learning outcomes.
There are three (3) categories of knowledge according to Egbert (2009).
 - consist of discrete pieces of information that answers the questions what, who, when, and where.
- consist of facts or pieces of declarative knowledge put together to attain some form of meaning.
- it can be presented by concept maps, categorization and classification.
- Also known as knowledge in action or the knowledge of how to do something. It is based on facts but learned through the process of procedural knowledge.
- Procedural knowledge is indicated by a performance task or graphical representation of a concept.
2.) Technology enhances learners communication skills thru social interactions.
According to Shirly (2003) in Egbert (2009) there  are three (3) basics communication patterns.
Point to point two-way or one-to-one like internet chat, photos conversation or even face-to-face conversation.
One-to-many outbound like a lecture, or television. There is no social interaction.
Many-to-many like group discussion, buzz session, heads together. This kind of interaction provides opportunities for social interaction.
Social interaction occurs in two ways where the participants ask for clarification, argue, challenge, each other and work towards common understanding.
Benefits derived from technology-supported communication.
a. Enables any teacher to guide the learners virtually and making  learning unlimited because communication and social interaction go beyond a school day or a school environment.
b. Enhances students freedom to express and exchange ideas freely without the snooping eyes of the teacher face to face
c. Enables learners to construct meaning from  joint experiences between the two or more participants in communication.
d. Help learners to solve problems from multiple sources since there is limitless sources of information that the teacher can direct or refer to the learners.
e. Teaches learners to communicate politeness, taking turns in sending information and giving appropriate feedback.
f. Ennhances collaboration by using communication strategies with wider community and individuals in a borderless learning environment.
g. Develops critical thinking, problem solving and creativity throughout the communication.
3. Technology upgrades learners higher-order thinking skills: critical thinking, problem solving and creativity
Twenty-first century learning requires the development of higher order-thinking skills.
   -Technology has a great role to play in the development and enhancement of these skills.
Critical thinking
Is part of the cluster of higher order thinking skills, it refers to the ability to interpret, explain, analyze, evaluate, infer and self-regulate in order to make good decisions. Which is the use of technology, one will be able to evaluate the credibility of the source, ask appropriate question, become open-minded defend a position on an issue and draw conclusion with caution. All of these competencies are covered by Bloom's Taxonomy of analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation.
Teachers play a significant role in supporting learners with technology. As a role model teachers should display and practice critical thinking processes, so that the learners can imitate them. here are some ways that teachers can do to develop critical thinking.
a.  Ask the right questions
     Most often teachers ask questions to find out if the students can simply repeat the info  from the lesson. Although these are necessary questions like what,who,when,where, these do not develop critical thinking. CT questions should ask for clarity, accuracy,precision,relevance,depth, breadth and logic.
b. Use Critical thinking task with appropriate level of challenge.
     - Teachers should be mindful of the readiness of the students. Students who have higher ability may find the task too easy thus getting bored early, while those who have low ability may find the task too difficult.
Creativity is characterized as involving the ability to think flexibly, fluently, originally and elaborately.
 Flexibly means able to use many points of view while, fluently means able to generate many ideas. Originally implies being able to generate new ideas and elaborately means able to add details.
7 Creative Strategies (Obsorn,1963)
1. Substitute – find someone else to replace to do what it does.
2. Combine - blend two things that do not usually go together.
3. Adapt - look for other ways this can be used.
4. Modify/magnifying/minify - make a change,enlarge,decrease.
5. Put to another use - find other uses.
6. Eliminate - reduce, remove
7. Reverse - turn upside-down inside out, front-side back

Reflection in Roles of Technology in Teaching and Learning.
REFLECTION: The Educational Technology 1 serves some of the important details for the learners to become more familiar, more oriented, more aware, and to become more skillful in learning through the use of technology. Learners reflect the way they act from what they have learned.
 On the application of educational technology to instruction, Educational Technology 1 showed the four phases of educational technology in teaching and learning namely: (a) setting of learning objectives, (b) designing specific learning experience,(c) evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences vis-avis the learning objectives and (d) revision as needed of the whole teaching-learning process, or elements of it, for further improvement of future instructional activities.


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