Creating ePortfolio as a Technology Tool
Electronic portfolios or ePortfolios have become an indispensable tool to facilitate student learning and assessment. An ePortfolio is an electronic multimedia collection of evidence as digital artifacts that illustrate one’s learning journey over time. Portfolios may represent a learning journey in a course, academic program, or professional career. ePortfolios are descended from the traditional paper and folder portfolios common in higher education writing courses and teacher education courses. Not surprisingly, these types of courses became the early adopters of the ePortfolio and have long modelled some best practices for using the ePortfolio to the fullest extent. ePortfolios are a valuable asset in any academic course from compositional writing to mathematics.
ePortfolios take on many different shapes and forms and should be thought of as a dynamic never ending process. Even upon graduation or completion of a course it has not reached its endpoint. It simply reaches a transformative stage from a learning tool to a professional tool. There are several best practices to keep in mind when implementing ePortfolios in your course.

Reflection in Creating ePortfolio as a Technology Tool
Creating an ePortfolio is an integration of several activities towards making up a Webpage reflecting the all essential information about the course and instructors. Understanding the importance of work experience related to new web tool applications, and the demand of future workforce, this ePortfolio making activity was essential for students’ professional development. Working on various web-tools helped me in enhancing my computer skills and at the same time provided me an opportunity to explore my creativeness on designing a professional Webpage. The final product come out of this assignment i.e. an ePortfolio would act as an effective communication tool in placing me in my chosen career field.
Though, there were very limited difficulties in doing this assignment, but availability of more freedom and options to modify the images/layouts/and other small but key components on the web designing tool (Word Press) would be very beneficial for students in designing the ePortfolio according to their own interest. The skills and new technologies learned through this assignment would be very helpful to me in teaching classes, as the demand of online presence has been ever increasing. In addition to that, learning new technologies adds to the resume and helpful in staying ahead in this world of competitiveness.

Application in Creating ePortfolio as a Technology Tool

ePortfolios are a creative, powerful, and flexible tool that can be used to:
Collect, select, and reflect on the process and products of learning
Chronicle, display, and visibly present the diversity of the BU experience using multimedia
Create digital evidence of the multiple intelligences of an individual’s growth over time
Develop a personalized profile of achievement, whether as an undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate student, or a trained professional.
ePortfolios have been promoted as a twenty-first century learning tool by the AACU (Association of American Colleges and Universities), and their use is supported by base research globally in educational settings – both  secondary and higher ed.


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